Flamingos at the first exhibit when you walked into the park.
Nice beak.
Manew? This was the last picture I took at a regular exhibit (we were at like the 5th exhibit). I'm not much of a picture taker. Requires too much discipline.
This is what happens when you feed fish from the bridge. Mass carnage. That swan amused me.
This was at the kid's area. Yes, as always, I am wearing the same Kappa warmup that dates back to my junior year of high school. I would be lost without it.
I am flying. Should've taken a movie while I flapped those wings.
The story of the zoo is actually pretty interesting. It started around 15 years ago as an ice cream store out in the suburbs called Munchi's, with some livestock hanging around. Apparently it became popular, in part for the helado and in part for livestock. Eventually, with some 3rd party capital invested in it, Munchi's became a full-on zoo as well as a chain of ice cream stores.
Afterwards, I went to dinner with 5 Dutch girls.
5 Dutch girls? You must have been in heaven. Either that, or by the end of the meal, they were completely sick and tired of you claiming to be Dutch. In which case...well...you'd probably still have had a great time. It is you we're talking about here.
Dutch girls!
What is a manew?
Manew was one of our cats growing up. Why manew? Ha.
Awesome.. and props!
That's impressive, Evan -- finding 5 Dutch ladies in that city!?! I'll have to admit, I love those pics of argentina -- bring back such great memories...ahh, gotta' love that city! :) Hey, BTW, your place in Belgrano sounds really awesome!
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