Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What I ate for my birthday dinner

For dinner, I chose to go to Aire Creacocina, my favorite restaurant here so far.


Don't know why I took a picture of this. Still, yum. My dining companion snuck my glass of wine into the picture. I'm not sure why.


Croquettes de Jamon. They don't look as good as they tasted.

Not pictured is the free appetizer that the owner brought me. I've made friends with her -- I think she knows I'm going to be a good customer -- and I got the free app never even telling her that it was my birthday.

Mmm. It would be cliche to say that my beef tenderloin was so tender that it melted in my mouth like chocolate...but I'm not very original.

I skipped dessert because we had to go somewhere. Another excellent meal. It felt pretty weird taking pictures in a nice restaurant. Look at me, I'm a tourist!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Happy birthday, Aben. We miss you.