Sunday, August 24, 2008

There's only 1 that counts here

Argentina has 5 medals right now. But the other night they won the only one they care about: soccer.

So, Thuy and I had both finished grinding for the night, so we took a taxi down to San Telmo, where we met up with some of her friends. We go into Club Museum*, but her friends don't want to go in, so we start leaving. The manager sees American girls leaving and quickly cuts us a deal. Too funny.

We go into the club and it's huge. Like you could probably fit 2 thousand in there. But everyone is sitting down at tables watching the game on the big screen. Well, ok. This is unlike any other club I've ever been to. Since she's awesome, Thuy tries to get us beers, but the bar is closed during the game. WTF? Seriously? Life in Argentina. At halftime, they whisk away all the tables and chairs, break out the music and lights and people start dancing. When the game resumes, they put the game back on, but leave the music on. Big mistake in Argentina. People start yelling and whistling until they put the announcers back on.

Argentina wins 1-0 on a di Maria breakaway goal, sprung by a Messi pass. Before I got here I was already convinced that Messi was the best player with the ball in the world, and now I think he's just the best player in the world but Argentines always seem to disagree with me. No se porque.

Much to my surprise, there was no singing or anything during the game. At the very end there was a very little bit of singing, but that was it. Once the game was over, it went to club mode fairly quickly. Except, oddly, after an hour, they had some sort of sexy fashion show. Pretty weird. 500-1k actually paying attention. Strange.

*Often times, when places want to be hip and trendy, they use English words. This always makes me cringe; not sure why, I think I feel guilty about American hegemony.

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